Chilly Winter Ayurveda and Vata Tips


I was in Wisconsin recently and they had a cold snap of -11 with windchill -21. 

So, I've got a few Ayurveda vata/winter tips for you today. And/or if you're like me, don't usually live in winter, but think anything less than 65 degrees is cold, you might need vata-balancing and can use these Ayurveda winter tips ANY time. 

1. Ayurveda Trick for Cold Hands & Feet.

Before stepping outside, buffer the cold on your hands with warm sesame oil—just like you’d use lotion. As an Ayurveda best practice, oils are used as a barrier between your skin and the wind, so we don't dry out.

Tip: Warm up your socks with a blow dryer before putting them on! The oil creates a barrier to protect your skin from the wind, and warm socks are kinda fun.

2. Ayurveda says keep warm on the Inside, too.

Don't forget internal warmth, too! As an Ayurveda best practice, no ice water, salads or ice cream during winter or vata season. Instead, favor warm teas, soups, even sipping hot water often is awesome (and good to help constipation).

Coffee is Cold: It's a warm drink but the qualities are bitter (cooling), which chills, dries, constricts. So if you’re constipated, try swapping coffee for black tea or dandy blend and see if it gets things moving.

3. Keep Warm but not too Hot on the Skin.

I know—hot showers feel amazing. But too much hot water can dry out your skin, which is what we are trying to avoid. Here’s the Ayurvedic workaround:

• Run a hot shower JUST to steam up the bathroom (damp heat is Vata’s heaven).

•  Then, turn down the shower temp to a comfy warm—not scalding hot.

• After your shower, massage a small amount of oil onto damp skin (always stroke toward your heart). Not too much—you want it to soak in, not leave you slippery/sticky!

Which one sparks you the most? Give it go. And stay consistent so you feel the benefits. 



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