Why are vatas terrible at finishing things?


"Why are vatas terrible at finishing things? I am sooooo good at starting things"
My client texted me that this morning.

Here's the deal: Vatas are great at instigating things, but they suck at finishing them. It's in their nature, but it's not an excuse.

SO! Here's my favorite word I use on myself all the time:

Below are 3 action steps to help you finish what you start.

1) STAY. Do not get up and snack. Do not start another project. Do not start texting or scrolling. Do not squander money. Do not let yourself get pissy, leave the room and pout. Do not grab an energy drink or a coffee. Do not tell yourself you don't have what it takes. 

Instead, STAY focused on the task. STAY off the phone, don't touch it. STAY in the conversation. STAY thru the whole workout. STAY emotionally calm. STAY visualizing the completion of what you are working on.


2) Set a timer. You're like, "How long do I gotta stay for?" It depends. 15 minutes? No more than 1 hour. You know what it takes, or take a guess.


3) You're done! Get up and move. When the timer goes off and you're done, yay! You get time to move. Walk around the block. Pet the dog. Put on a new playlist. Make a rose tulsi tea. Do 8 sun salutations. Whatever you want. 

For your next task, rinse and repeat.

If you just STAY and finish the thing, your life will become more simple, and you will feel so good. You'll feel powerful. Vatas need structure and stability. 

Start doing the opposite of what you normally do and watch how things change. 




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